Traveling Parents: 5 Strange Items to Pack
Packing Tips Travel Smarter

Traveling Parents: 5 Strange Items to Pack

5 Strange Things Traveling Parents Should Pack For Vacation

Travelers pack some pretty odd items to take with them on vacation, but for good reason. Some items, especially if you’re a parent, just simply cannot be left at home! God forbid you leave your child’s favorite toy at home before going on vacation for a week. However, there are some items that you should consider packing to make your traveling experience easier and safer. Here is a list of some strange things traveling parents pack and why:

Traveling Parents

1.  A Sarong

Although this can be used to hang out by the pool in comfort, it can be used to create a curtain or a tent for a sleeping child just about anywhere. On planes, the sarong can be draped across the back of the seat your child is sitting on, securing it into the closed tray table in front of him/her. This gives the child a private little area to fall asleep in and shields them from the over head lights somewhat.

2. Blu-tack

Blu-tack can make anything better, use it to stick temporarily to the window surround of hotel rooms to keep curtains in place to stop light streaming into your eyes when you need to sleep in the middle of the day or early mornings. I also travel with a bull dog clip for the same reason, help keep curtains closed together.  Also good for on the go temporary repairs of toys, glasses, wallets, etc.

3. Charcoal

This can be packed in either a liquid form or tablet form. charcoal is AMAZING in the event of tummy upsets, it helps stop the cramping within minutes and is safe for all ages (obviously check your personal situation with your pharmacist before giving anyone Charcoal.) Charcoal has saved many a holiday day from being ruined.

4. A Door Stop

 A large rubber type doorstop wedged under the door of a hotel room will stop it being opened from the outside. This came about after having a hotel mistakenly give out our room key to other customers. It’s also very comforting to know when traveling solo to know you are safe and sound in your room.

5. Milton Steriliser Tablets

Even if you aren’t traveling with a baby and feel no need to sterilize bottles and binkys, you should still travel with sterilizer tablets. You can use Milton for washing fruits and vegetables, utensils, drink bottles that you take out and about and all in cold water, etc. For parents, throw a few in the bath with your child! It can help get rid of some of the nasties in the water (obviously still not recommended for drinking) and may help avoid tummy upsets caused by a sneaky sip or two of bath water.

So there you have it, 5 odd things to pack that could make your traveling experience a little easier (or safer). For more traveling parents tips, check out The Wandering Mum

DSC_0004 (2)Amy is an ex Travel Agent and now creator of The Wandering Mum Family Travel Blog. She travels frequently with her young son as a single parent and writes about their adventures.

Amy, The Wandering Mum | November 17, 2016



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