3 Ways to Make Long-Distance Traveling More Comfortable
Air Travel Travel Smarter

3 Ways to Make Long-Distance Traveling More Comfortable

The Best Way to Make Long-Distance Traveling Comfortable

Almost everyone knows what boredom feels like. Now imagine being stuck in an airborne metal tube for hours on end. That would definitely take a toll on anyone, especially if you’re traveling abroad to places like Sydney, Australia, France, or Latin America. In fact, anything that takes more than five hours to get to can feel like an endless mission. Fortunately, not all flights have to be this way. Some flights, for example, will pass by within a couple hours, while others will drag on forever. The good news, however, is that some flight destination offers more things to do while traveling.

Whatever you do, don’t underestimate the power of dread and misery during a long-distance flight, because boredom, in this case, will be your worst enemy. Here are some helpful tips to keep in mind when traveling — tips that will make sitting on a plane a more enjoyable experience and keep you engaged throughout the process. Here’re 3 Ways to Make Long-Distance Traveling Comfortable.


1. Choose a Reliable Airline

Long-Distance Traveling Comfortable

As most travelers know, there’s a big difference between a good airline and a bad one. That’s why it’s important for you to do your research ahead of time. When conducting research, look for things like seating arrangements, departure times, and reviews, of course, to see what other passengers think of your chosen airline.

Generally speaking, if you’re traveling on a long-distance flight, then the best airlines are those that typically offer more than just peanuts and pretzels to passengers. They also have a seat width of more than 17 inches, but don’t overlook the two things that matter most: comfort and prices. Remember, traveling doesn’t always have to be a luxury, so be sure to get the most benefits out of your purchase.

While doing your research, you should also consider things like legroom (if you’re taller), and quality of service. Does the airline play movies? Are the flight attendants helpful? Is there assigned seating? These are just a few questions you should ask yourself before booking a long-distance flight.


2. Kick Back and Relax

relaxing on plane

The moment leading up your departure can be exhausting. With the all the planning, researching, spending, and packing, you’re likely to be overwhelmed and tired. Traveling not only gives you an opportunity to get away, it also gives you an opportunity to relax without any distractions. No mobile phones, no emails, and no notifications, which means less time spent on devices and more time spent on yourself.

If you aren’t sure what to do, use your relaxation time to catch up on television shows or read a book. Sleeping is also a great way to relax and kill time. This is especially helpful since high altitudes, changes in cabin pressure, wind, and cold weather can increase the chances of dry eyes — a condition that affects more than a 100 million people worldwide. Whatever you do, however, do not rely on booze to help you sleep. Why? Well, because alcohol isn’t only a depressant, it’s also a substance that can cause you to get dehydrated. To make matters worse, when you combine alcohol with pressurized cabin pressure the effects can amplify.


3. Wear Comfortable Clothes

This should be a no-brainer, right? Just picture an outfit you wouldn’t mind wearing for 10 hours straight on a plane — an outfit that provides both comfort and warmth. Remember, when you’re sitting still on a plane, you’re being hit with constant air inside the cabin. This means the temperature inside the plane can drop drastically thanks to those powerful air conditioner systems. So wearing multiple layers of clothes won’t be a bad idea to help adjust your body temperature to the chilly air inside the cabin. Another benefit to wearing loose clothes is at security checkpoints. In other words, loose clothing makes it easier for passengers to take things off while waiting to be checked by TSA agents.

While waiting, you should also take off any jewelry you might have on or pack them safely inside your suitcase. That way, you won’t set off any alarms at the airport. In case of an emergency, it’s best to wear closed-toe shoes instead of sandals. You want your shoes to be comfortable without causing your feet to sweat profusely. Once in the air, you can always take your shoes off

What might work for one person might have the complete opposite effect on another. However, with time and practice, you’ll find out which tips work for you and which ones don’t. In the end, taking steps to reduce the stress of flying is key — whether you sleep, read, or watch shows. The main thing to remember is that the flight does eventually come to an end, which should be enough to keep you motivated.


Thanks for the read! There are so many other ways to make the most out of long-distance traveling I couldn’t possibly name them all. With that being said, what are some other to cope with long-distance traveling? Feel free to leave a comment below.


Davis enjoys being active and finds any excuse to go outside and explore the outdoors. If you can’t catch him online, you might be able to catch him working out at the gym or cheering on the Boise State Broncos. Follow him on Twitter at @Davis241. Thanks!

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