If you search for tips and advice for women going on a babymoon online you will immediately find over 500,000 results on Google. There are a lot of questions to answer before travelling while pregnant – what are you meant to talk to your doctor about? When is the best time to travel? What do you need to pack to ensure you have a more comfortable, healthy holiday?
Fast Cover travel insurance has released a new babymoon infographic to cut through the mountains of content online and provide a simple guide to expecting mums. The infographic addresses four stages in travelling: preparing, packing, transit and staying healthy.
The infographic provides helpful checklists for women planning a babymoon, including a guide to finding the right travel insurance policy. It also notifies travellers of important restrictions that airlines and cruise lines may apply to pregnant travellers.
Take a look and find some tips that can help make a babymoon simpler.
Fast Cover | July 8, 2016